My PGP key 0xB9515E77 can be securely downloaded from GitHub:
$ wget
$ gpg --import postmodern.asc
gpg: key B9515E77: public key "Postmodern Modulus III (Postmodern) <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
In order to verify that you have imported the correct key, run the following command:
$ gpg --fingerprint 0xB9515E77
pub 1024D/B9515E77 2009-09-18
Key fingerprint = 04B2 F3EA 6541 40BC C7DA 1B57 54C3 D9E9 B951 5E77
uid Postmodern Modulus III (Postmodern) <>
sub 4096g/4BD91DF0 2009-09-18
Make sure to verify that the “Key fingerprint” matches.