Introducing Wordlist 0.1.0
— bruteforce, build, crawl, generate, password, ruby, rubygem, spider, spidr, website, wordlist
Update: Evoltech correctly pointed out that the Wordlist::Builders::Website example was incorrect. The method must take a path argument and then any additional options.
For a while now people have asked/told me that I should write a Wordlist library for Ruby. People have also brought up the need to build wordlists from existing corpora; such as the text from a website. After seeing varying attempts at this task, I finally got serious and released Wordlist 0.1.0.
Currently, the design of the Wordlist Ruby library is quite simple. Wordlist::Builder is the base class for all wordlist builders. It handles parsing text, filtering out duplicate words, and writing the unique words to a file. The Builder class stores the CRC32 hash of each word in a Hash, mapping the word length to the Set of CRC32 hashes. Using a bucket system for the CRC32 hashes, keeps both word lookup time and memory usage to a minimum.'list.txt') do |builder|
Wordlist also provides Wordlist::Builders::Website, which uses Spidr to completely spider a host, and build a wordlist from the inner-text recovered from every visited page.
require 'wordlist/builders/website''list.txt',:host => '')
Wordlist doesn't just build wordlists, it can also enumerate them. Wordlist defines Wordlist::List as the base class for all wordlist readers. Per convenience, Wordlist also defines Wordlist::FlatFile which handles the enumeration of flat-file wordlists.
list ='list.txt')
list.each_word do |word|
puts word
The Wordlist::List also provides methods for defining text-mutation rules, which are applied in series to each enumerated word.
list.mutate 'o', '0'
list.mutate '@', 0x41
list.mutate(/[hax]/i) { |match| match.swapcase }
list.each_mutation do |word|
puts word
A mutation rule takes a String or Regexp (which is used to match a sub-string within a word) and another String, Integer or block which is used as a replacement for the matched sub-string. A mutation rule will perform every possible combination of sub-string replacement, passing each mutated word to the next mutation rule, and so on.
One can install Wordlist using rubygems, by simply running the following command:
$ sudo gem install wordlist
The git repository for Wordlist is located on GitHub.
As of 0.1.0, Wordlist is fairly simple but it gets the job done. The library was fun to design and test, as it involved borrowing some techniques typically used in blind-fuzzing. Expect more features and updates to Wordlist as time goes on.